Libros, boletines, compendios y memorias son las publicaciones que reúne esta comunidad, las cuales han sido editadas por el Instituto Geofísico del Perú en el marco de sus actividades.
Browsing Institucional by Subject "Atmospheric precipitation"
(Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 2000) Rodríguez, R.; Mabres, A.; Flores, L.A.; Woodman Pollitt, Ronald Francisco
Dendrochronological studies in the peruvian nort coast to find records of past El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events began an the ale 80's. The peruvian north coast is the west-most area of South America, close to equator (05o S 80o W) and to the Sechura desert, is a very sensitive area to the climatic changes due to ENSO. An initial selection of several regional trees have been done for study. The study includes phenological observations and tree ring characteristics analysis as well as racial growth control of tree trunks and branches. The species more intensively studied and suitable to fina records due to the ENSO are Palo Santo, Hualtaco and Sapote.